
natanael rivera vargas

escupía desde el altar cada semana

contando la historia de la mujer con hemorroides

y los hombres que querían sodomizar ángeles

no mucho después, el subcomité sería desbandado

¿cómo aprendiste a ser devota?

¿una confesión neo-aristotelina

una operación con el código FUEGO

ambas entregadas a los pies de la depravación total?

mañana, la tienda se quedará sin carne

y antipsicóticos

pero tú recordarás el reino

de manuscritos iluminados escritos en sangre

donde, tal vez, encontrás

una respuesta


translated by natanael rivera vargas

he spit from the altar every week

telling the story of the woman with hemorrhoids

and the men who wanted to sodomize angels

not long after, the subcommittee would be disbanded

how did you learn to be devout?

a neo-aristotelian confession

a secret operation with the codename FIRE

both surrendered at the feet of total depravity?

tomorrow, the store will run out of meat

and antipsychotics

but you will remember the kingdom

of illuminated manuscripts written in blood

where, perhaps, you will find

an answer


Natanael Rivera Vargas is a poet concerned with the post-ironic excesses of life after the end of the world. He enjoys queer-coded Spanish music from the 80s and is an MFA candidate at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
