One of my last nights in LA at 12:31 AM

Jupiter Reese

I’m not using my dialectical behavior therapy skills right now because I want vengeance I want to feel powerful I want you to hurt the way I hurt also I vape too fucking much and for someone that has horrible lungs and crippling health ocd it’s strange I didn’t think anything could be more mind controlling than my ocd but I guess addiction is and speaking of addiction I don’t really love you just so you know but if this was a film everyone would want us to wind up together because we’re so tragic

Unromanticizing that hookup

Jupiter Reese

I remember the drive to your airbnb the most. It was around 4 AM but the sky wasn’t fully dark because of the air pollution. I was so nervous but the LA highways were pretty much empty so that was nice. And it helped that I wasn’t sober because I can never be sober in a situation like this. There is something sorrowful in the air right before sunrise and I can’t describe it but anyway I don’t even remember being myself those few hours and thank god I don’t remember that much thank god you live in Colorado.

Making geology class relatable part 1

Jupiter Reese

Today in geology my professor was talking about black holes and how they forbid any light to escape and suck everything in its path into eternal darkness and it reminded me of you.


Jupiter is a lost soul living in LA trying to figure out how to exist on this chaotic floating rock of a planet. Fresh out of the hospital and inpatient treatment, she moved across the country from New York and is now finally pursuing her dream of being a writer, actress, filmmaker and model. Yes, her ambitions are probably too big but oh well here’s to trying.
