Notes On Humanity Via YouTube Shorts

Casper Kelly

Parken and her boyfriend are sharing a controller

Beating a video game incredibly fast

For charity

They kill monkeys

Parken moves the samurai and her boyfriend

Presses kill

For charity

And people in the chat box are spamming emotes for all of the death

But this is love

Killing monkeys and unleashing their souls

This is charity

Things Twitter Says About Tom Cruise

(found poetry from Tom Cruise stan accounts)

Casper Kelly

I just gasped out loud to myself in an Ohio motel room

I saw a capybara at the zoo the other day sunbathing gracefully

and it looked just like him

One time a fox stole my dads shoe from the garage...

he is the shoe and I am the fox and I am whisking him away

He’s evil in this movie but unfortunately they squeezed him into beautiful pants

His beautiful crooked teeth... I just punched 15 holes in my wall who made him fix them

He just found out the results of his pregnancy test

What is there to laugh about like this... Close your legs... I’m sick

If he was a mosquito who landed on me I would have no choice but give over my blood...

Every time I see footage of him being pampered I delve down one of the pipes in Mario and start

punching coins and mushrooms

He will receive 16 packets of meow mix kitten food for utilizing his kitten sparkly eyes

This is what Aphrodite looks like on Mount Olympus


Casper Kelly is two parts favorite ghosts living in the United Kingdom. He has been published in Dadakuku, High Horse Magazine, Misery Tourism, Expat Press, among others.
